2024 is the year you publish your first book!

how to publish a book on amazon
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YOU’RE READY TO become a self-published author, BUT YOU’VE GOT A LOT OF QUESTIONS!

“What do I need to publish a book online?”

“How can I start the self-publishing process on Amazon?”

“Will I need to have a certain word count or fulfill certain requirements?”

I know - there can be a lot of questions if you’re thinking of publishing your book yourself.

If you don’t have a plan to follow, all the steps can be really overwhelming & you’ll be spending so much time researching how to get your book published.

WITHOUT GUIDANCE, I know that the self-publishing process will actually end up taking more time than it’s supposed to take!

Self-Publish Magic is a super straightforward course for those who are ready to hit publish on their book.

I’ll teach you how to get your book self-published on Amazon — with actionable steps & module checklists to keep you on track.

I published my first book on Amazon back in 2018 & I’m still seeing profits from that book — every month. It might have taken me a few months to write, figure out how to publish & get it up on Amazon, but having this passive income with a book I spend zero money & time marketing is priceless!

This is the how much I’ve made to date (Dec 2023) from that book I published on Amazon.


The course is all TEXT based. No videos. No fluff. Straight to the point.

You can literally complete the course lessons from the comfort of your couch, while you’re at work or while bae watches a Netflix show… because there’s nothing to listen to or watch. Just actionable steps.

The entire program is completely digital, so you can access it from anywhere through a private course portal.

HOW LONG will it take me to self-publish my book?

The honest answer is— it depends on you & your current situation.

If your book is already written & edited, you can have your book up on Amazon in less than 30 days.

If you still have to write it, it will depend on how long it takes you to write & get it edited.

You have access to the program for 12 months! 

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self-publish magic is for you IF…

  • You want to know the steps to get a book published on Amazon.

  • You have an idea for a book — or it’s already written.

  • You are moderately tech-savvy & good with step-by-step direction.

self-publish magic is not for you if…

  • You want to publish your book through a big publishing company.

  • You want help writing the actual book — and have never thought about a topic.

  • You want me to publish your book for you & want 1:1 support through the process.

Hola, I am Andrea Valeria!

I’ve been featured on

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Normally: $127

Get it for only $37!

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Am I guaranteed to make money with my book?

While I have done really little marketing to promote my book, I do have a social media following that allowed me to get the first sales. However, it’s been 4+ years since the book was published, and I have not promoted it anymore. Sales keep coming in from people who found in on Amazon thanks to strong strategies (like proper categorizing & finding good keywords) that I teach in this course. I will provide guidance & ideas, but I can’t guarantee similar monetary success.

When does the course begin and end?

You get instant access to the course (for 12 months) & you can complete it at your own pace.

What is the investment?

While the course is usually valued at $127, you can now get it for only $37. Prices are in US Dollars.

In what format is this course taught?

Written. It’s all text & images for you to follow along step by step. I want you to go straight to action: reading the step & act on it.

Are you affiliated with Amazon?

Not at all. I have a book on Amazon & I have helped others publish books on Amazon, but I am in no way affiliated with them.

Ready to publish your book on Amazon?